Occasionally when filling out the online form involved with company formation, it is possible to get certain information wrong or make mistakes such as typos. One of the details which are prone to minor errors is the director’s date of birth. But how can this mistake be fixed – and is it important to fix it?
Does it matter if a wrong date of birth is shown?
The full date of birth of company directors must be submitted to Companies House. Although only the month and year are now actually shown on the public register.
Under section 1112 of the Companies Act 2006, it is “an offence for a person knowingly or recklessly … to make to the registrar … a statement … that is misleading, false or deceptive in a material particular”. In other words, providing incorrect information to Companies House on purpose or as a result of recklessness is illegal and can result in fines and, in the most serious cases, imprisonment.
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Although inadvertent minor filing mistakes are unlikely to breach section 1112, it is nevertheless important to rectify these as soon as they have come to light, as Companies House uses the date of birth as a way of identifying directors and PSCs.
Please note: A company director must be at least 16 years of age (s. 157). So, if a director is appointed who is under 16 but their date of birth is incorrectly recorded to make them appear over 16, this will be more likely to constitute an offence under section 1112, as an element of intentionality may be inferred by the court.
What is the process for correcting a director’s date of birth?
It is not currently possible for companies to change a director’s date of birth using the Companies House online service. Instead, changes must be submitted either by uploading PDF forms or by posting paper forms.
The process for correcting a date of birth is dependent on when the error occurred:
Upon incorporation
If a director’s date of birth was stated incorrectly upon incorporation, form RP CH01 must be filled in and submitted to Companies House, together with form RP02A – which is generally used to rectify the Companies House register where inaccurate information was initially delivered.
After incorporation
If the mistake occurred after the company was formed, that is, if a new director was appointed after the company was already registered via form AP01, then a new AP01 form must be filled in with the correct information, including the correct date of birth, and sent to Companies House along with form RP04.
So, to summarise – if the director’s date of birth was incorrectly submitted on incorporation, you need to use forms RP CH01 and RP02A. If, however, it was submitted incorrectly after incorporation, you’ll need to submit a new AP01 together with an RP04.
Now, one thing to consider when correcting a director’s date of birth is – where else might it also have been incorrectly reported?
While reporting a PSC
Well, for a lot of small companies, a director is often also reported as a PSC. And here too, the incorrect date of birth that has been reported for them as a director may also be incorrectly reported in their position as a PSC. And if that is the case, you’ll need to address this specifically as fixing a director’s date of birth will not automatically fix a PSC’s date of birth, as the two positions are completely independent of one another.
Correcting a PSC’s date of birth depends on how the PSC was first notified at Companies House. If the PSC was reported after incorporation, this will usually have been done using the form PSC01. However, when the PSC regime was first introduced, it was actually the confirmation statement or CS01 that was used to report new PSCs.
Regardless of whether the incorrect information was reported on the PSC01 or CS01, you will need to submit the correct date of birth using form PSC01, together with form RP04.
If the PSC was appointed at incorporation, there is, unfortunately, no current mechanism in place to correct this, other than to go down the route of a court order. Now because this route is so time-consuming and expensive, most companies simply choose to cease the original notification and re-notify Companies House of the PSC – this time with the correct information.
Can I use a confirmation statement?
Although confirmation statements can be used to update certain types of company information, they cannot be used to correct the details of directors.
It is not possible to change a director’s date of birth using a confirmation statement; it is necessary to use the method outlined above.
What if I am using PROOF?
The PROOF (PROtected Online Filing) scheme allows companies to protect themselves from unauthorised changes to their records. It essentially prevents certain paper forms from being filed, and Companies House will reject these once a company has joined PROOF. Form AP01 mentioned above is covered by PROOF.
If a company is part of the PROOF scheme and wishes to submit a paper form, it will need to get consent for paper filing from Companies House by submitting form PR03.
For more information on how to obtain form PR03, call Companies House Contact Centre on 0303 1234500.
So, there you have it!
A director’s date of birth is one of the main methods used by Companies House to identify directors and PSCs. It is therefore important to make sure this piece of information is correct.
As you have seen, this is an easy mistake to make but it is not so easy to fix, particularly as it cannot be corrected online at Companies House. So, it’s worth getting those dates of birth correct the first time!
We hope you have found this blog helpful. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments section below and we will get straight back to you.
Please note that the information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or professional advice. While our aim is that the content is accurate and up to date, it should not be relied upon as a substitute for tailored advice from qualified professionals. We strongly recommend that you seek independent legal and tax advice specific to your circumstances before acting on any information contained in this article. We accept no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage that may result from your reliance on the information provided in this article. Use of the information contained in this article is entirely at your own risk.
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Comments (8)
My wife’s(Director) date of birth is incorrect just by one day, should we bother changing it. Its a company created to transfer freehold from old house owners to new one.
Thank you for your comment.
While it might seem like a small detail, it’s important that all company records, including the Director’s date of birth, are accurate to avoid any potential discrepancies in the future.
We would suggest speaking to our support team who could assist you in this process.
Thank you,
The 1st Formations Team
Please advise where and how the “erroneous date of birth’ can be added on the AP01. See below.
I know someone who has used two DOB, slightly different names and different addresses. He used a different name /DOB/address for dormant company (incorporated May 2021). Changed last month (after I queried this) to match details he filed for his other 10 active companies – slowly being struck off. I believe he attended to mislead. He has not mentioned incorrect DOB used for dormant company on AP01 form.
After incorporation
If the mistake occurred after the company was formed, that is, if a new director was appointed after the company was already registered via form AP01, then a new AP01 form must be filled in with the correct information, including the erroneous date of birth, and sent to Companies House along with form RP04.
Thank you for your kind enquiry, Virginia.
I am sorry for the confusion. The new AP01 need only clarify the correct date of birth. You may want to enter on the RP04 that the correcting form is specifically for the erroneous date of birth (noting what that erroneous date of birth is), although this is not compulsory.
More generally, if you find any information for a company that has been registered at Companies House, you an report this directly to them. To do so, go to the company’s page on Companies House and select the “is there anything wrong with this page?”. You can then use this to report information that you believe to be incorrect. If you have any further concerns, you may want to contact Companies House directly with respect to this.
We trust this information is of use to you.
The 1st Formations Team
I know of the same person being a director of numerous companies but having different birth dates for each one. I have checked companies house to confirm and believe he uses this as a tactic to avoid being recognised as the same person. He has previous financial irregularities. I wondered if you had any advice on who to tell or inform about this?
Thanks for getting in touch.
You may find this helpful: https://www.gov.uk/complain-company
Please let us know if we can assist any further.
The 1st Formations Team
What if the incorrect date of birth was submitted after incorporation and the director is still the same, which forms would then need to be sent to the companies house?
Thank you for your kind enquiry, Noor.
If an incorrect date of birth was submitted after incorporation, you will need to submit a new AP01 form together with an RP04 form for the director whose date of birth is incorrect on Companies House public register.
I trust this information is of use to you.
The 1st Formations Team