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Can a non-UK resident be a UK limited company director?

Profile picture of Mathew Aitken.

Senior Content Writer

Last Updated: | 4 min read

The company director is the person tasked with running a UK limited company. As you would expect, this comes with a number of responsibilities. But can someone who doesn’t live in the UK take on the role of a company director? Let’s take a look.

Who can and can’t be a director?

Anyone can be a company director, as long as they are at least 16 years old, have not been disqualified from becoming one (by a court order or by the company’s own memorandum and articles), and are not an undischarged bankrupt.

The following does not matter:

  • Place of residence (a company director can live anywhere in the world)
  • Nationality
  • Employment status
  • Occupation

So to answer our initial question – yes, a non-UK resident can be a UK limited company director. And further to this, a non-UK resident can also become a shareholder (the owner of the company) and company secretary.

How to appoint a director at the same time as forming a company

All private companies limited by shares – the most common form of limited company – need at least one person in the director role.

If your company is not yet formed, a director appointment step will be included as part of the company formation process. It’s simply not possible to form a company without a director.

You can form your company directly with Companies House (the UK’s registrar of companies) or through a company formation agent, such as us.

We offer a number of company formation packages that make starting a business simple. We even offer a dedicated Non-Residents Package (£149.99 plus VAT) for customers who are based outside of the UK but wish to form a UK limited company. This package includes:

  • Company registration in under 24 hours
  • A WorldFirst UK business bank account
  • Use of our London address as your company’s registered office address (this is integral as you will need a UK address to use as your company’s registered office)
  • Use of our London address as your business address (meaning you can use our address as your mailing address – we’ll then forward your mail on to you, by scan and email)
  • Our premium Full Company Secretary Service, including 15 changes to your company per year, and monthly solicitor-written guidance notes, and much more

How to appoint a company director in an existing company

If a company is already up and running – you can appoint the director via the ‘AP01 Appointment of director’ paper form, or use Companies House WebFiling to make the appointment online (choose the ‘Register’ option if you don’t have a WebFiling account yet).

Alternatively, you can appoint the director with our free online company manager. Companies that are formed by us are automatically set up with an account, however, you can still use the online company manager if your company wasn’t formed by us. To set yourself up with an account:

  1. On the dedicated online company manager page, select ‘Click here to create an account’
  2. Enter your account holder information and primary address information, agree to the terms and conditions, and then select ‘Submit Registration’

Now that your account is set up, you can import an existing company. To do this:

  1. From your company dashboard, select ‘Import a Company’
  2. Enter the company number and company authentication code – select ‘Search’ and then click on your company name
  3. You can then import the company
  4. You will then be able to access the company from the ‘My Companies’ section of your dashboard

The director addresses

When appointing a director, you will need to provide Companies House with two addresses:

Director service address (also known as the correspondence address)

This is the official address for the director and where government mail, specifically for the director, will be sent. Unlike the company’s registered office, this does not need to be based in the UK.

The service address can be a residential address, but using a residential address is not ideal as it is placed on the public register – making it susceptible to uninvited visitors and direct mail. This can be avoided by using an alternative address that you have permission to use as the service address (a number of our company formation packages come with the option to use our address as the service address).

Director home address (also known as the usual residential address)

This must be the actual residential address of the director who is being appointed and can be based anywhere in the world. It will not be placed on the public register unless it is also being used as the registered office and/or the service address.

What other information is needed to appoint a company director?

As well as the addresses mentioned above, you also need to provide the following:

  • Title and full name
  • Date of birth
  • Nationality
  • Occupation

This information will be placed on the public register as soon as the appointment has been confirmed.

Thanks for reading

We hope you have found this post helpful. Please get in touch if you have any questions about appointing a director, forming a limited company or business in general.

Please note that the information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or professional advice. While our aim is that the content is accurate and up to date, it should not be relied upon as a substitute for tailored advice from qualified professionals. We strongly recommend that you seek independent legal and tax advice specific to your circumstances before acting on any information contained in this article. We accept no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage that may result from your reliance on the information provided in this article. Use of the information contained in this article is entirely at your own risk.

About The Author

Profile picture of Mathew Aitken.

Mathew is a Senior Content Writer at 1st Formations, responsible for creating articles and advice-driven content. He has 20+ years of industry experience and is an expert on the entire company formation process. Mathew believes in empowering business owners with clear and valuable information that simplifies the company formation process and enables founders to complete their real-world responsibilities.

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Comments (4)


September 26, 2024 at 9:05 pm

i am on tier 2 skilled worker visa as accountant and working full time with one company who has sponsored me.Can i open my own company(accountancy practice) and be director of that to work extra 20 hours which are allowed as per

    Mathew Aitken

    September 30, 2024 at 11:35 am

    Thank you for your kind comment, Waleed.

    Unfortunately as we are not regulated to provide legal advice, we are unable to provide advice on specific scenarios. We would recommend contacting a solicitor for further assistance.

    Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

    Kind regards,
    The 1st Formations Team


June 28, 2023 at 8:49 pm

Hi I am from South Africa, I want to find out, if Iam a director or shareholder of a UK company, how long can I stay and work in the UK? I will have a permanent address in the UK.
And what visa will I get, or must I get for this

    1st Formations

    June 29, 2023 at 1:59 pm

    Thank you for your kind enquiry, Werner.

    In general terms, if you are looking for a work related visa, this may be dependent on your occupation and whether you are sponsored by a company or not. Can you advise your occupation and if you will be sponsored by another company?

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind regards,
    The 1st Formations Team