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The pros and cons of share capital

Profile picture of John Carpenter.

Chief of Staff

Last Updated: | 6 min read

The size and shape of share capital vary between companies, depending on their funding requirements, stage of business development, the policy of the company owners, and a multitude of other factors. We will take a look at the pros and cons of share capital and also explain the procedure for increasing or decreasing it. of your company. But first, let’s consider what it means.

What is share capital?

A limited company must assign a ‘nominal’ value to each of its shares upon incorporation – for example, £1.00 per share. This nominal value, also known as the par value, represents the limited liability of the company’s members. It denotes the sum that shareholders must pay for each of their shares if the company be wound up.

The share capital of a company refers to the total nominal value of all shares that have been issued by a company. You will sometimes see this referred to as the ‘aggregate nominal capital’. So, for example, if a company has 100 shares at a nominal value of £1.00 each, its share capital is £100.

The value of the company cannot be determined by reference to its share capital. Instead, it is necessary to consider the current market value of each share, which will generally be higher than the nominal value. The difference between the nominal value and the market value is known as the ‘share premium.’

In the context of this blog – we are discussing the merits of living with a large share capital from the point of incorporation, or later by choosing to utilise it as a way to develop a business, rather than using other vehicles such as business loans.

What are the advantages of share capital?

There are occasions where it may be necessary to demonstrate a certain level of share capital. For example, some lenders and creditors might assess the creditworthiness of a company by taking into consideration the size of its share capital. Also, certain trade organisations sometimes apply a membership requirement of a minimum size of share capital.

A larger share capital can have the effect of making a company appear more financially secure. Investors may be more inclined to back a business with a large paid-up share capital. However, appearances can be deceptive, so increasing it will not necessarily make a company a safer bet in the eyes of experienced investors.

Some companies will decide to increase their share capital as an alternative to taking out a loan. The advantage is, there are no interest payments. Although dividends are often paid to shareholders, this depends on the success of the business. There is generally no obligation to pay dividends.

Furthermore, there are no stipulations attached to capital raised from shares, whereas a bank loan can come with various restrictions. For example, it might only be available to use for a specified purpose agreed in advance. Overall, using share capital instead of taking out a business loan can offer a company more financial flexibility.

What are the disadvantages of share capital?

Increasing a company’s share capital can lead to the shares of existing shareholders becoming diluted. This can affect both dividend payouts and voting rights.

Although an ordinary resolution is required to allot new shares (i.e. the majority of shareholders will need to approve an increase), this can leave a minority of shareholders discontent with the change in circumstances, which can create problems for the future.

In general, increasing share capital through the allotment of new shares will reduce the level of control of the founders, because the creation of more shares usually means that more power is given away.

If there are multiple principal shareholders and a new significant shareholder buys up enough newly created shares, they may be able to form an alliance with an existing principal shareholder and change the balance of power. At the extreme end, a company that issues too many new shares can become vulnerable to takeover by a competitor.

Even if there is no need to allot new shares, a larger share capital can create more risk for the existing shareholders. For example, if the nominal value of each share is set at £1,000 rather than £1, each shareholder’s limited liability for the company’s debts would be equal to £1,000 per share owned, as opposed to just £1 per share.

This may look good to outside investors because it demonstrates that shareholders have invested a substantial amount of their own money in the future success of the business. However, if the company runs into financial difficulty and gets wound up, each shareholder will lose more of their own money.

Now that we have walked through the pros and cons, how do you increase it or decrease it?

How to increase share capital

To increase share capital in a company, it is usually necessary to issue new shares. This process is known as an ordinary allotment of shares.

The basic procedure would normally require the existing shareholders to pass a special resolution, consenting to the issuance and waiving their right to pre-emption on the new shares.

This requires a majority of at least 75% of the votes to be cast in favour of the resolution at a general meeting of shareholders. Alternatively, this can be carried out by written resolution, which removes the need to hold a general meeting.

The company and its directors are then usually allowed to issue the shares. However, these procedures may differ from company to company.

Within one month of the allotment of shares, form SH01 must be filed with Companies House to provide notice of the procedure having taken place. This form includes a statement of capital, which must be filled out to reflect the company’s issued capital following the allotment.

Finally, the register of members needs to be updated, and new share certificates should be issued within two months. It may also be necessary to update the register of people with significant control (PSC register).

How to reduce share capital

There are many different reasons for decreasing the share capital of a company, but the overall effect will be to transfer funds from the company back to its shareholders. It is worth remembering there are strict rules on this matter. If you are unsure of them, you should seek professional advice.

In general terms, a reduction in share capital is usually achieved with a special resolution supported by a solvency statement of the directors.

Within 15 days of passing the resolution, form SH19 needs to be filed with Companies House, along with:

  • a copy of the shareholders’ special resolution
  • a directors’ statement of solvency
  • and a directors’ statement

And remember, a reduction of capital carried out in this way is only effective when Companies House processes the SH19 Form.

So, there you have it

We have provided an introduction to share capital, explaining the ways in which it can impact a company and its shareholders. We also discussed using share capital as a means of developing your business, as well as the procedures you need to follow to increase and decrease it.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section below. In the meantime, why not browse the 1st Formations Blog for more advice on limited companies, reporting requirements, and tax obligations.

Please note that the information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or professional advice. While our aim is that the content is accurate and up to date, it should not be relied upon as a substitute for tailored advice from qualified professionals. We strongly recommend that you seek independent legal and tax advice specific to your circumstances before acting on any information contained in this article. We accept no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage that may result from your reliance on the information provided in this article. Use of the information contained in this article is entirely at your own risk.

About The Author

Profile picture of John Carpenter.

John is Chief of Staff at 1st Formations and statutory director of the BSQ Group, responsible for assisting the CEO, HR, recruitment and content proofreading. He has an MSc in Digital Marketing Leadership from the University of Aberdeen and certificates in Anti Money Laundering, and Company Secretarial Practice and Share Registration Practice. John was previously operations director at a Mayfair-based law firm.

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October 30, 2023 at 2:40 pm

Hi John,

I start browsing the web for share capital increase and I found your article that explain very well the pros and cons but still not helping with my situation. Can you please help me with following situation?
I will sell 10 shares of my company to a new shareholder. I agreed to sell the shares at a lower price than their valuation under the condition the new shareholder to inject the rest of the money in the company. While this can be made in different ways, I was wondering if the new shareholder can inject the money in the company as share capital without issuing new shares nor diluting the existing shares.
Please advise.
Many thanks.

    1st Formations

    November 2, 2023 at 2:53 pm

    Thank you for your kind enquiry, Mary.

    As a general rule, it’s not normally possible to be able to increase the amount of share capital in a company without issuing new shares. One way of achieving something like this might be to sell the shares are the market rate, but allow for some of that amount to be unpaid at the point of issuance. Then, you might agree for the remaining amount to be paid up later on (either as and when the directors request payment, on an agreed payment schedule).

    We trust this information is of use to you.

    Kind regards,
    The 1st Formations Team

Charles Dickens

October 16, 2023 at 11:09 am


In relation to increasing a company’s share capital, can you issue new shares with a higher nominal value to certain investors than others? i.e, I have always issued shares at a par value of £1 but upon deciding to increase the company’s share capital, I now issue shares to you at a par value of £100 – can I do this? How does this affect the share capital then? Upon a winding up of the company, how do you proportion who pays what? Would you pay £100 per share that you own and I pay £1 per share?

How would this also impact unpaid share capital? If a resolution is passed to up the nominal value for all newly issued shares, would that shareholder pay £100 per share upon a wind up or the original £1 per share?

Thank you for your help.

    1st Formations

    October 17, 2023 at 3:42 pm

    Thank you for your kind enquiry, Charles.

    Yes, it is possible for shares to be issued at a higher nominal value than other shares. To do so, you would need to create a new class of shares and set the nominal value to the higher amount you want (it is not possible for shares of a single class to have different nominal values, hence different classes need to be created for the different nominal values).

    A higher nominal value represents a higher liability that the shareholder has to pay (or agree to pay) in order to be issued such a share. So, if the nominal value is set at a higher rate than other shares in the company, then for a person to be issued those shares, they will need to either pay or agree to pay that higher amount.

    Further, to address your point regarding any capital distributions on a winding up of the company – this will generally depend on what’s in the company’s articles of association. Normally, any surplus assets are paid either in proportion to the number of shares held (which is probably the more common scenario) or they are paid in proportion to the total capital in the company.

    We trust this information is of use to you.

    Kind regards,
    The 1st Formations Team


June 24, 2023 at 1:00 am

Hi John

Thank you for your article explaining the pros and cons of share capital, however, I’m still confused with regards to my situation and hoping you can assist me.

I’ve been advised to register as a ‘limited company’ (for tax purposes) in the UK. It’s for a three month (work) contract, commencing in a few weeks. I’m researching how to do this and I think I understand most of what is required. My question to you is: the ‘limited company’ I am registering, does not have any ‘share capital’, and I have the option of Hi John

Thank you for your article explaining the pros and cons of share capital, however, I’m still confused with regards to my situation and hoping you can assist me.

I’ve been advised to register as a ‘limited company’ (for tax purposes) in the UK. It’s for a three month (work) contract, commencing in a few weeks. I’m researching how to do this and I think I understand most of what is required. I am hoping there is a possibility of further contracts in the future.

My question to you is the following: should I register the company with ‘does not have a share capital’, since the ‘company’ has no value/share capital (at this time), or omit this (on registration) and allocate X amount of shares to myself and the ‘company director’? From my research, I believe this cannot be changed after registration.

Many thanks in advance for your professional advice for a newby, like me!

Kind regards


    1st Formations

    June 27, 2023 at 10:10 am

    Thank you for your kind enquiry, Kaye.

    If you are seeking to incorporate a private company limited by shares, then the company will still need to have a share capital, however small the amount. This is because, to register such a company, at least one share must be issued. This one share will have a nominal amount (which is a paper amount that represents the minimum amount someone must pay to be issued such a share). The most common nominal amount for a share in the UK is £1.00. So, a company that has been incorporated with a single share that has a nominal value of £1.00 will have a total share capital of £1.00.

    The only way to incorporate a company without a share capital is to incorporate it as a private company limited by guarantee instead. A private company limited by guarantee is a different company type that has no shareholders or shares – instead the owners (members) instead agree to “guarantee” the debt of the company to a specified amount. It is not possible to directly convert a private company limited by guarantee to a private company limited by shares at a future date.

    Ultimately, if you are looking to register a private company limited by shares you will need to create a certain level of share capital (whatever this amount may be) and issue it to the person(s) you want to own the company. For the avoidance of doubt, it is possible for the company’s share capital can be changed post-incorporation (whether it be to increase it, decrease it or to restructure it).

    We trust this information is of use to you.

    Kind regards,
    The 1st Formations Team


October 29, 2022 at 2:10 pm

Your video was very useful as i am a student studying business at school, i do have a question though. One of my practice questions at school was ‘analyse the impact to a company using new share capital to fund expansion.’ So i got some advantages from the video such as: no interest and financial flexibility, but for disadvantages it was mainly for share capital in general so i was wondering if you had any disadvantages for using share capital in funding your business.
Thank you.

    1st Formations

    October 31, 2022 at 5:51 pm

    Thank you for your kind enquiry, Sienna.

    Unfortunately, we are unable to advise on such a specific circumstance. However, the biggest disadvantage, of course, probably does circle back to the matter of control, given that certain shareholders may find themselves diluted, or control over a company might be lost (namely through the voting rights that might be granted in exchange for the shares being issued), which may be a position they not find palatable.

    We trust this information is of use to you.

    Kind regards,
    The 1st Formations Team

Biodun Oyewale

July 16, 2022 at 2:03 am

Hi Guys,

Thank you for the above information.

I have got a question.

My Mum and I run a Business that does not have any profit yet and is financed out of my own pocket. I own 85% shares and she own 15% shares.

In terms of share capital, I would like to confirm if the Number of shares/aggregate nominal value should be 100?

Please advise.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you.

    1st Formations

    July 18, 2022 at 9:29 am

    Thank you for the question!

    The aggregate nominal value is the number of shares issued multiplied by the value of each share.

    So, to work out the aggregate nominal value we need to know how many shares are issued to you and your Mum and the value of each of these shares.

    We hope that helps!

    Best regards,
    The 1st Formations Team